Pods can be launched at an empty tile to start a caravan, at a caravan itself to add to it, or at a faction base, colony, or event space. If you deconstruct the launcher, any remaining fuel will be dropped in item form, though the normal loss of the required resources will occur. Extra fuel remains in the pod for future use. Launchers can send pods up to 66 tiles away, which requires 150 chemfuel to do so.
Each tile of distance requires 2.25 chemfuel (rounded down). Pod launchers require chemfuel in order to launch. Each transport pod can hold 150 kg of items. Transport pods must be built on a pod launcher's loading zone. Pod launchers launch transport pods, where 1 launcher can hold 1 pod.
They require 50 Steel, 1 Component, 3,000 ticks ( 50 secs) of work, and a Construction skill of 6.
Pod launchers can be constructed once the Transport pod research project has been completed.